
26军, Navy and Marine Corps ROTC students from three universities (Old Dominion, Norfolk State and Regent) became officers at ODU's annual Spring Commissioning Ceremony.

New ensigns and second lieutenants swore to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" on May 4 at Chartway Arena.

“真正的乐趣从现在开始. 但是比赛已经结束了。. Brandon Shah, commanding officer of ODU AROTC. “你代表你的家庭, 你代表你的服务, your school and the nation as you lead sons and daughters of America.”

少将. 约翰·迈耶, commander of Naval Air Force Atlantic, congratulated the new officers and told them “the very nature of your willingness to serve speaks to your intrinsic motivation.”

“As a mission, preserving world peace is noble,” he added. “谢谢你.”


少将. 约翰·迈耶, commander of Naval Air Force Atlantic, congratulated the new officers and told them “the very nature of your willingness to serve speaks to your intrinsic motivation.图片来自Chuck Thomas/ODU

But he noted that the United States faces growing threats and challenges.

“You enter the world at a very dangerous time,他说.

The rapid pace of technological advances will change some aspects of warfare, Meier说, 引用网络攻击, 高超声速武器, 自主飞行器, quantum computing and artificial intelligence. 美中关系日益紧张.S. 和中国, North Korea’s aggressive nuclear program, 乌克兰和俄罗斯之间的战争, and unrest in Sudan and Iran threaten world stability.

“We are on a razor’s edge in Europe where Russia could attack a NATO state, which could draw us into World War III,他说, adding that hostilities around Taiwan or in the South China Sea could have the same effect.

帮助应对这些挑战, Meier told the new ensigns and second lieutenants that they would need to embrace change, push themselves and others to perfection, lead in a way that builds trust with the men and women who will serve with them and adopt an attitude of continuous learning.

Regarding the latter, he cited one of his favorite quotes. “创. Mattis said if you’ve not read hundreds of books, you’ll be functionally illiterate because your experience alone will not be sufficient to carry the day,Meier说.

Though “by many standards it looks like we’re on a path to war,Meier说 he doesn’t believe war is inevitable.

“Our most noble mission is to preserve the peace,他说. “And to that end I ask that we pray for peace while we prepare for war. That’s the surest guarantor of peace.”

军队参加后备役军官训练军团 was established at ODU in September 1969, and five years later the University fully recognized a military science curriculum academic credit. That milestone was followed in 2003 by the 教师 Senate’s approval of an academic minor in military 领导 studies. The Naval ROTC Unit Hampton Roads was commissioned in 1982. It was the first unit to offer complete NROTC programs at three institutions – ODU, 诺福克州立大学和汉普顿. 瑞金特大学 and Tidewater 社区 College were added later.

“多年来, the Hampton Roads Navy Reserve Officers’ Training Corps and ODU Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps have worked together to produce many distinguished brave officers, leaders and scholars who have served our nation in so many ways with distinction,奥斯汀说, ODU’s provost and vice president for academic affairs. “This is truly a good example of the power of partnership.”

A total of 23 ODU students received commissions.

Fourteen were commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. 军:

  • 贾斯汀·艾伦,萨福克,B.S.N. 护理,护士团
  • 阿比盖尔·多诺霍,诺福克,B.S. exercise science, Medical 服务 Corps
  • Emily Imhof, Great Mills, Maryland, B.S. 化学,医疗服务队
  • D’ante Lambright, Virginia Beach, M.P.A. public administration, Medical 服务 Corps
  • 瑞安·迈尔斯,弗吉尼亚海滩,B.S. 刑事司法,步兵部队
  • Kevin Rossiacosta,古巴哈瓦那,B.S. 网络作战,化学部队
  • Zaykees Curry, Fayetteville, North Carolina, B.S. 刑事司法,后勤部队
  • Carli Glaze, Bald Knob, Arizona, B.S. exercise science, Medical 服务 Corps
  • 伊丽莎白·杰克逊,汉普顿,B.S. 网络作战,装甲部队
  • Thalia Lugo, Atlantic City, New Jersey, B.S. 刑事司法,陆军预备役
  • 约翰·珀金斯四世,诺克斯维尔,B.A. 医疗服务队的历史
  • 马库斯·桑格,切萨皮克,B.S. 刑事司法,步兵部队
  • 卡梅隆·斯特古拉,斯图尔特选秀,B.S. 网络作战,步兵部队
  • 康纳·威廉姆斯,斯塔福德,B.S. 网络作战,信号部队

Four were commissioned as ensigns in the U.S. 海军:

  • Jasmine Lamanna, San Antonio, Texas, B.S. 心理学, surface warfare officer
  • David Routhier,切斯特菲尔德,B.S. 物理学,潜艇作战军官
  • Kiara moya - prea,里士满,B.S. civil engineering and technology, surface warfare officer
  • Kayden Starley, Cedar City, Utah, B.S. mechanical engineering, surface warfare officer

Five were commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. 海军陆战队:

  • Jonathan Frazier, China Spring, Texas, B.A. 领导
  • Christopher Nessl, Litchfield, Illinois, B.S. 领导
  • Thomas Harlow, Cherry Point, North Carolina, B.S. 计算机科学
  • Tadgh Owen, Swansboro, North Carolina, B.S. 生物学
  • 拉里·塔弗,汉普顿,B.S. 体育管理

Other students who received their commissions:


  • 丹尼尔·欧文,诺福克,B.S. 生物学,海军飞行员


  • Perla DelaCruz, Bronx, New York, B.S. biophysical science, surface warfare officer


  • Caleb Ricciardi, Fredericksburg, B.S. 心理学

“Our goal was to put you in position to take the next step and lead the country,” said Capt. Brian Becker, commanding officer of NROTC Hampton Roads. “我相信我们已经做到了.”