


The 课程协作工具 makes it easy to add all of your students to a collaboration group at one time, 你是否选择使用变焦, 微软团队 or 谷歌驱动 to share information and documents with your class.

Access the tool to create a collaboration group either from the myODU portal or from Canvas. (详细说明可以在下面的“HOW TO”文档中找到.)

Your students can also access the tools you set up from the collaboration tool in myODU or Canvas.


变焦 is an enterprise video collaboration platform used for remote instruction.

The collaboration tool can create recurring meetings that coincide with your regularly scheduled class times. (了解更多关于 变焦帐户设置 保证会议顺利进行.)


Class teams have unique permissions and features for teachers and students. 作为球队的老板, 老师布置作业, 共享类内容, 并控制谁可以在团队中发帖. Each class team is also linked to its own class notebook in OneNote.

The collaboration tool automatically places all of the students in your class into a team.


Use Google 分享d Drive to store, search, and access files within a class. 分享d drive files belong to the instructor and allow you to organize your documents by class.

When you use the collaboration tool to set up a shared 谷歌驱动, all of your students are automatically invited to share the class folder. You can set permissions so that students have either Read or Read/Write access to the files.


When faculty use ODU's 课程协作工具 to set up 变焦 meetings, 微软团队或共享谷歌驱动器为他们的课程, students enrolled in those courses can access the collaboration tools from within the myODU 门户或在Canvas的课程中.





  1. 当使用此工具设置应用程序时, 它们会自动绑定到其他班级数据,比如出勤率.
  2. You can manage all the available collaboration applications in one place. Students can easily access the applications you set up in one place as well.
  3. All students registered for your course are added to the application. 不需要单独添加每个学生.


教师 members are the hosts of their class meetings and can access all meetings at odu.变焦.us. 在那里找到会议信息,并与你的班级分享.

  • odu.变焦.us 然后用你的MIDAS ID和密码登录.
  • 参加会议.
  • 找到您预定的会议并单击主题.
  • 复制会议ID和密码或邀请链接.
  • 分享 with your students via Canvas, email or send an invitation via 变焦.

变焦 meetings that are scheduled through the Course Collboration Tool are automatically integrated with our attendance tool in Canvas. When your students show up in 变焦, their attendance is automatically recorded.

ITS will automatically setup the 变焦 meeting for the online section (WEB2) of all hybrid courses beginning August 23. The faculty will be able to access the meeting via the 课程协作工具 or in 变焦 directly.

T在这里 are a couple of ways for students to see their courses and join live 变焦 lectures:

  1. 在画布中,在 课程协作工具,他们可以从工具内部加入变焦会议.
  2. They can also see and join their 变焦 courses from the myODU门户 (my.ewepub.com),在 我的课程.

如果您使用课程协作工具创建课堂会议, 您可以从变焦网站(odu)上预先分配分组讨论室.变焦.us). 只要确认一下 开启分组讨论室 为了你的利益.

No. 教师 should inform students thru the usual channels such as Canvas Announcements or via Email.

在课程协作工具中,使用临时会议按钮. 单击 分享 check box and select the courses that you want to make your 办公室 hours available to. 查找更多信息 在这里.

是的. 在变焦应用程序中, find the course meeting you want to invite the guest to and send them the direct link. If they don't have a 变焦 account, you will need to admit them from the waiting room.

All currently cross-listed and merged courses will share the same 变焦 meeting. 如果这一切都没有发生, 或者如果你想在你的课程中加入一些不同的东西, 请与ITS服务台联系.

教师 can start the meeting up to 30 minutes before the start of class. 在教师开始会议之前,学生不能进入.

这将取代当前的缩放工具. Meetings scheduled in the Canvas tool will need to be rescheduled in the new Course Collaboration tool.

所有现有的会议都显示在变焦 web界面(odu)中.变焦.us). 设置可以在那里进行调整.

录音可在我的媒体(在画布中)中获得. ODUOnline classes are automatically published to the appropriate course in Canvas. We can also set up auto-publishing for other classes; just contact itshelp@ewepub.com. Or select the recording in My Media and assign it to a course to make it available to your students.

Meeting IDs are different so that attendance can be accurately reported. It also lessens the chance of someone not registered accessing your classes. 你不需要张贴链接或记住他们自己, 因为你和你的学生只需要点击一个按钮就可以加入.

TAs and any manually added instructors will be able to manage and start meetings from the 课程协作工具 in Canvas.



The course's shared drive shows up as a separate drive on the 谷歌驱动 website (drive.谷歌.com)和谷歌驱动应用程序.

当您使用课程协作工具设置共享驱动器时, you have the option of giving your students "Read" or "Read/Write" access. You can go in and change permissions from Read to Read/Write afterword, but you will not be able to change permissions from Read/Write back to Read.