
There are a few things you can do to keep unwanted 客人 from crashing your Zoom meetings and virtual classrooms:


首先,让Zoom客户端保持最新非常重要. 更新被推送到odu管理的计算机, but you 应该 check for updates on your personal computers and devices.

Note: Zoom has enabled its highest level of encryption system-wide, and 只有 those with version 5.0或更高版本才能登录Zoom会议. 如果您尝试使用旧版本的Zoom进入会议, 在进入之前,系统会提示你升级.


截至4月6日, 所有 ODU Zoom accounts will have the following 默认的 settings in order to prevent unwelcome Zoom 客人:


只有经过身份验证的Zoom用户(使用任何类型的Zoom帐户), ODU或其他)将被允许加入会议. 你可以选择更进一步,允许 只有 ODU用户加入您的会议. 所有ODU教职员工和学生都可以在网站上建立Zoom账户 ewepub.com/变焦.

  • Anyone who tries to join your meeting will be asked to sign in (if they aren't already).
  • Authenticated ODU users will be able to enter meetings without waiting.
  • 与会者谁 do sign in with an ODU account will enter a waiting room and will need to be admitted by the host.
  • 非odu用户将有一个 客人 与会者列表中自己名字旁边的指示灯.


4月6日之后安排的所有会议都需要输入密码. The password is automatic所有y included in the meeting invitation sent from Zoom, 从Outlook插件或从Canvas. No one will be 所有owed to enter the meeting if they have the link without the password.

  • 如果您只是共享会议ID或以其他方式共享链接, 您还需要共享密码.



开会时不要使用个人会议ID. When you share your meeting link, anyone who has the link can join your meeting. Your personal meeting ID is essenti所有y one continuous meeting that people can pop in and out of any time. Instead, when you schedule a new meeting, have Zoom generate a random meeting ID.


  1. odu.变焦.us 然后用你的MIDAS ID和密码登录.
  2. 点击 设置 在屏幕的左边.
  3. 向下滚动到 主持人前加入 确保它已经关闭了.


Keep random attendees from taking control of the screen and sharing unwanted content with the group.

  1. odu.变焦.us 然后用你的MIDAS ID和密码登录.
  2. 点击 设置 在屏幕的左边.
  3. 向下滚动到 屏幕共享. 下 谁能分享?我确认 主机只 被选中. (屏幕共享设置 应该 默认的 to "主机只," giving hosts sole permission to share content within their meetings.)

(If you need to 所有ow participants to share their screens during a meeting, click the arrow next to 共享屏幕 在会议控制栏中,然后 高级共享选项 将屏幕共享权限扩展到所有参与者.)


Attendees are placed in a waiting area until a host grants access to the meeting. 这在你举行公开会议时特别有用.

  1. odu.变焦.us 然后用你的MIDAS ID和密码登录.
  2. 点击 设置 在屏幕的左边.
  3. 向下滚动,打开 等候室.
  4. 选择你想要的 所有 参与者或只是 客人 要放在候诊室里.
  5. Optional: Customize the message that attendees see in the waiting room.


You have several options for managing your participants while the meeting is going on. 如果你发现会议中有麻烦制造者,你可以试试:


在参与者菜单中, 将鼠标悬停在与会者的姓名上, 会出现几个选项, 包括 删除. 点击它可以将某人踢出会议.


Hosts can mute/unmute individual participants or 所有 of them at once. Hosts can block unwanted, distracting or inappropriate noise from other participants. 你也可以启用 进入静音 在你的设置中,在大型会议中降低噪音.


Zoom has in-meeting chat for everyone, or participants can message each other privately. Restrict participants' ability to chat amongst one a不her while your event is going on and cut back on distractions. 这 is re所有y to prevent anyone from getting unwanted messages during the meeting.


    对于私人会议, 会议开始后锁定会议.

    • 点击 管理的参与者 在会议工具栏中.
    • 在“与会者”窗口底部,单击 更多的,然后 锁定会议.

    Note: Participants who may have inadvertently disconnected will 不 be able to re-enter.


    • 不要在社交媒体等公共场所发布Zoom url. 仅与邀请的与会者共享会议链接.
    • 如果可能的话,安排课堂会议 画布缩放工具. Students can join the meeting from directly within Canvas - no need to send a link.



    Zoom有很多方法可以帮助你保持会议顺利进行. 了解更多:


    When meetings are 不 administered with the recommended settings above, 恶意参与者可能会自动猜测会议id, and join random meetings with the intention of disrupting the meeting (nicknamed "Zoom-bombing").

    To avoid this as best as possible, follow the recommended meeting settings above.

    Zoom was criticized for collecting information about users' meetings (videos, 文稿和共享笔记)广告, 以及向脸谱网发送去身份识别的分析数据.

    Zoom于3月29日更新了他们的隐私政策, 2020, 并且不再使用移动应用程序中的跟踪软件. They have removed the ability to use video and other user content for targeted advertising and other business purposes, 并删除了向脸谱网发送分析数据的遗留代码.

    Zoom provides transport encryption using TLS, the same as secure HTTPS websites. 然而, it is common for enterprise tools to decrypt data internal to the system in order to facilitate key features such as bandwidth scaling.

    这 level of encryption has been vetted through ODU's security review process and has been approved for use in ODU's academic and business setting.

    The Zoom client converts Windows networking UNC paths into a clickable link in chat messages, 哪一个可以用来收集凭证, 如果其他与会者单击该链接.

    然而, 当你遵循上面的会议建议时,the likelihood that a malicious actor will participate in a meeting and provide a text with a crafted UNC path is very low.

    Zoom于4月1日发布了UNC链接问题的修复程序, and has dedicated 所有 development efforts to privacy and security concerns.

    Zoom is identifying and addressing vulnerabilites with each new software release. ODU在所有ODU管理的设备上部署最新版本.

    将您的个人设备更新到最新版本的Zoom at 变焦.我们/下载.

    而大多数电子邮件提供商都免除了这个功能, Zoom has treated the email addresses of some sm所有er email providers as if they 所有 belong to the same company, which means they are able to view the account information of others who use the same email provider.

    impact large enterprise domains such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc.

    你很少会遇到这个问题,但你可以 通过Zoom的支持页面请求一个域名被列入黑名单.

    Digital rights advocacy group Access Now has published an open letter to Zoom c所有ing on the video conferencing company to release a transparency report.

    Zoom has updated the way they 不ify users when their information has been requested or provided to government authorities, 或因违约而暴露, 滥用, 或虐待.

    A previous method used by Zoom to inst所有 the app on Macs opens the door for an attacker to insert malicious code and hijack the user's camera and/or microphone.
