
The 口腔卫生学院 has implemented many safety precautions in line with current CDC guidelines for 感染控制 in Dental 健康 Care Settings. 我们的目标是为学生、病人、教职员工提供一个安全的环境. Many safety measures have been implemented including HEPA filtration and UV-C sterilization air purifiers, 增加有机玻璃屏障, 额外的个人防护装备, 对所有进入诊所的人进行筛查, 和更多的.

Our goals are to teach dental hygiene students to provide quality preventive care for our patients, and to research health care issues that will keep our profession in the forefront of scientific knowledge. 我们的服务适用于bet8体育娱乐入口的学生, 教师, 员工和当地社区.

It is important for you to understand that your care will be provided by dental hygiene students who are directly supervised by licensed dental hygiene 教师.

Treatment at the 口腔卫生学院 is very thorough and proceeds more slowly than in private dental practice because patient care is provided by students in a teaching/learning environment. 预防性治疗预约通常是1.5 to 3 hours long, and many patients need more than one visit for the completion of services. The clinical 工作人员 realize that the patient's time is valuable and strive to keep to a minimum the number of appointments a patient must have.

欢迎5岁及以上的患者. All patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult who is available for the entire appointment in the waiting area.

We are unable to provide childcare services at the school; therefore, 在你接受治疗时,有必要找人照顾你的孩子.



The 口腔卫生护理设施 is open from September through June with the exception of 假期、学期休假、春暑假. Facility hours vary from semester to semester according to program schedules; however, 预约时间一般在上午, 下午及傍晚时段.

Our facility is located on the first floor of the 健康 Sciences Building at 46街1090号, 在bet8体育娱乐入口的校园里. 诊所的入口在第46街. 停车 is limited; please allow extra time before your appointment to find a parking space.


医疗 & dental history; blood pressure; head and neck exam; oral cancer screening; periodontal disease; radiographic (x-rays); oral and systemic risk; and dental caries (cavities).

口腔预防, 牙周治疗, 牙科密封剂, 氟化应用, 嘴警卫, 脱敏, 牙齿美白, 健康教育, 激光细菌减少疗法.


Code 治疗描述
A1 微积分1 35.00
A2 微积分2 40.00
A3 微积分3 50.00
A4 微积分4 80.00
A5 微积分五 100.00
D1120 Prophylaxis-Child 20.00
D0191 对全牙缺牙患者的评估 15.00
D9310 Office consultation— Board 筛选 OR limited exam for an established patient with specific problem that is not due for recare 15.00
D0210 口内全系列放射图像(14-22) 35.00
D0220 口内-根尖周第一张x线图像 5.00
D0230 口内-根尖周各附加x线图像 5.00
D0240 口内咬合x线图像 5.00
D0270 咬合-单张放射图像 5.00
D0272 咬合——两张放射图像 10.00
D0274 咬合——四张放射图像 20.00
D0277 垂直咬合,7到8张图片 25.00
D0330 全景射线照相图象 25.00
D4381 将抗菌剂局部递送到患病的牙沟组织-每颗牙齿



D4999 激光细菌减少疗法-满口 15.00
D1206 氟化物清漆的局部应用-成人和儿童 10.00
D1351 Sealant-per牙 6.00
  杂项 服务  
D9910 脱敏药物的应用 10.00
D9941 运动护齿器的制造 15.00
D9975 家用外漂白(带定制托盘) 100.00
D9999 未指定的辅助程序,报告(漂白材料补充) 25.00


费用 are assessed using the most current 口腔卫生诊所 费 Schedule approved by bet8体育娱乐入口. 费用将在治疗开始前与患者进行审查.

全部付款 在第一次访问时到期吗.

服务费用为25美元及以上. x光片、氟化物和密封剂的费用应在提供服务时支付.

我们接受签证, 万事达卡, 发现, 美国运通, 个人支票, 或现金(以准确的金额)作为支付方式.

ODU的学生, 教师, 工作人员, 现役军人(现身份证), those with proof of financial hardship and adults 62 and older could be eligible to receive a $5.00折扣.

The 口腔卫生学院 Care Clinic will accept the following documents as proof of financial hardship*:

  • Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) with current award letter and photo ID
  • 社会保障残疾收入(SSDI),附有当前的奖励信和带照片的身份证件
  • 补充营养援助计划(SNAP),提供当前的奖励信和带照片的身份证件
  • 临时援助贫困家庭(TANF),提供当前的奖励信和带照片的身份证明
  • 医疗补助受助人有当前的奖励信和带照片的身份证明


注意: 治疗开始后已经过了5个月, 将收取新的费用,预约将被视为重新护理.

*退款是通过大学应付账款部门(AP)处理的。. The refund will be performed by the clinic 办公室 manager and must be approved by the Director of Clinical Affairs. 已提供的部分治疗不予退款.

口腔卫生专业的学生已经制定了病人护理的时间表. 因为目标是在教学/学习环境中提供高质量的牙齿卫生保健, patients should understand that this is an educational setting and the student's learning experience and progress depends on the patient's full cooperation. 每个人的时间都是宝贵的. 如果病人由于某种原因不能按时赴约, 需要提前24小时通知,以便学生安排其他病人. 两次取消预约或未预约的患者将从护理机构取消活动.


  1. 两(2)个预约因任何原因被取消.
  2. 两(2)次预约未获通知.
  3. Since our ultimate goal is to educate students with acceptable teaching patients if 教师 deem that a patient is not suitable for our teaching clinic, 或者如果病人没有遵守政策, 病人将出院, 灭活, 转到社区诊所或私人诊所.

All broken appointments are documented in the patient's health record by the dental hygiene student and approved by supervising 教师.


The goal of the 工作人员 at the 口腔卫生护理设施 is to assist individuals in eliminating and preventing oral disease and in maintaining optimal health. 该设施的工作人员和监督由持牌牙科保健师和牙医. 口腔卫生专业学生, 提供口腔保健, have extensive education and training and have demonstrated competence in the clinical services before treating the public.

bet8体育娱乐入口口腔卫生诊所的病人有这项权利, 符合法律, to:

  1. 礼貌、尊重和保密的对待
  2. Treatment that meets the standard of care in the profession including the use of appropriate infection control
  3. 检查他们的病历和所有的x光片
  4. 对收费和服务有深入的了解
  5. 推荐治疗方法说明, 替代治疗方案, 并解释了没有治疗的风险
  6. 参与治疗计划(知情同意)
  7. 拒绝推荐治疗(知情拒绝)
  8. 继续治疗或转介继续治疗
  9. Written informed consent prior to participating in experimental research and the right to refuse participation
  10. 提供反馈, 评论, 或使用保密的患者满意度调查对治疗的投诉

  1. The 口腔卫生诊所 DOES NOT provide a dental exam or diagnosis of restorative needs. 补牙等服务, 冠, 牙根, 拔牙, 分音, 牙科诊所不提供假牙或假牙. 牙医必须提供这些服务.
  2. If a patient has medical or dental conditions that warrant further consultation with their physician/dentist, treatment in the 口腔卫生诊所 will be delayed until written approval is obtained from the patient's physician/dentist. 这种情况的例子包括:心脏瓣膜受损或异常, 特殊心脏状况, 器官替代品, 关节置换手术, 未受控制的糖尿病, 肾透析, 免疫系统减弱, 血压升高(160/110), 活动性肝炎或肺结核感染, 活动性疱疹感染(唇疱疹).
  3. Multiple appointments (2-4) and extended appointment lengths (3 hours) are required for most clients.

促进感染控制和保护患者, dental hygiene students and 教师 following the current CDC Guidelines for 感染控制 for Dental 健康 Care Settings. 我们的目标是为我们的学生、病人、教职员工提供一个安全的环境. The 口腔卫生护理设施 has implemented numerous additional safety measures following CDC Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Dental Settings During the COVID-19 Response including:

  1. 筛查患者与COVID-19相关的危险因素.
  2. Ensuring our personal protective equipment (PPE) is appropriate for the procedures performed, 并根据需要增加个人防护装备,如:N95口罩, 隔离隔离服, 还有面罩
  3. 使用高速疏散所有产生气溶胶的口腔卫生程序
  4. 诊所各处都有洗手液供工作人员和病人使用
  5. 在整个口腔卫生保健设施配备高效微粒微粒和紫外线c空气过滤装置
  6. 遵守ODU的环境健康和安全政策和程序.


The 口腔卫生护理设施 is open from September through June with the exception of 假期、学期休假、春暑假. Facility hours vary from semester to semester according to program schedules; however, 预约时间一般在上午, 下午及傍晚时段.

Our facility is located on the first floor of the 健康 Sciences Building at 46街1090号, 在bet8体育娱乐入口的校园里. 诊所的入口在第46街. 停车 is limited; please allow extra time before your appointment to find a parking space.


医疗 & dental history; blood pressure; head and neck exam; oral cancer screening; periodontal disease; radiographic (x-rays); oral and systemic risk; and dental caries (cavities).

口腔预防, 牙周治疗, 牙科密封剂, 氟化应用, 嘴警卫, 脱敏, 牙齿美白, 健康教育, 激光细菌减少疗法.


Code 治疗描述
A1 微积分1 35.00
A2 微积分2 40.00
A3 微积分3 50.00
A4 微积分4 80.00
A5 微积分五 100.00
D1120 Prophylaxis-Child 20.00
D0191 对全牙缺牙患者的评估 15.00
D9310 Office consultation— Board 筛选 OR limited exam for an established patient with specific problem that is not due for recare 15.00
D0210 口内全系列放射图像(14-22) 35.00
D0220 口内-根尖周第一张x线图像 5.00
D0230 口内-根尖周各附加x线图像 5.00
D0240 口内咬合x线图像 5.00
D0270 咬合-单张放射图像 5.00
D0272 咬合——两张放射图像 10.00
D0274 咬合——四张放射图像 20.00
D0277 垂直咬合,7到8张图片 25.00
D0330 全景射线照相图象 25.00
D4381 将抗菌剂局部递送到患病的牙沟组织-每颗牙齿



D4999 激光细菌减少疗法-满口 15.00
D1206 氟化物清漆的局部应用-成人和儿童 10.00
D1351 Sealant-per牙 6.00
  杂项 服务  
D9910 脱敏药物的应用 10.00
D9941 运动护齿器的制造 15.00
D9975 家用外漂白(带定制托盘) 100.00
D9999 未指定的辅助程序,报告(漂白材料补充) 25.00


费用 are assessed using the most current 口腔卫生诊所 费 Schedule approved by bet8体育娱乐入口. 费用将在治疗开始前与患者进行审查.

全部付款 在第一次访问时到期吗.

服务费用为25美元及以上. x光片、氟化物和密封剂的费用应在提供服务时支付.

我们接受签证, 万事达卡, 发现, 美国运通, 个人支票, 或现金(以准确的金额)作为支付方式.

ODU的学生, 教师, 工作人员, 现役军人(现身份证), those with proof of financial hardship and adults 62 and older could be eligible to receive a $5.00折扣.

The 口腔卫生学院 Care Clinic will accept the following documents as proof of financial hardship*:

  • Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) with current award letter and photo ID
  • 社会保障残疾收入(SSDI),附有当前的奖励信和带照片的身份证件
  • 补充营养援助计划(SNAP),提供当前的奖励信和带照片的身份证件
  • 临时援助贫困家庭(TANF),提供当前的奖励信和带照片的身份证明
  • 医疗补助受助人有当前的奖励信和带照片的身份证明


注意: 治疗开始后已经过了5个月, 将收取新的费用,预约将被视为重新护理.

*退款是通过大学应付账款部门(AP)处理的。. The refund will be performed by the clinic 办公室 manager and must be approved by the Director of Clinical Affairs. 已提供的部分治疗不予退款.

口腔卫生专业的学生已经制定了病人护理的时间表. 因为目标是在教学/学习环境中提供高质量的牙齿卫生保健, patients should understand that this is an educational setting and the student's learning experience and progress depends on the patient's full cooperation. 每个人的时间都是宝贵的. 如果病人由于某种原因不能按时赴约, 需要提前24小时通知,以便学生安排其他病人. 两次取消预约或未预约的患者将从护理机构取消活动.


  1. 两(2)个预约因任何原因被取消.
  2. 两(2)次预约未获通知.
  3. Since our ultimate goal is to educate students with acceptable teaching patients if 教师 deem that a patient is not suitable for our teaching clinic, 或者如果病人没有遵守政策, 病人将出院, 灭活, 转到社区诊所或私人诊所.

All broken appointments are documented in the patient's health record by the dental hygiene student and approved by supervising 教师.


The goal of the 工作人员 at the 口腔卫生护理设施 is to assist individuals in eliminating and preventing oral disease and in maintaining optimal health. 该设施的工作人员和监督由持牌牙科保健师和牙医. 口腔卫生专业学生, 提供口腔保健, have extensive education and training and have demonstrated competence in the clinical services before treating the public.

bet8体育娱乐入口口腔卫生诊所的病人有这项权利, 符合法律, to:

  1. 礼貌、尊重和保密的对待
  2. Treatment that meets the standard of care in the profession including the use of appropriate infection control
  3. 检查他们的病历和所有的x光片
  4. 对收费和服务有深入的了解
  5. 推荐治疗方法说明, 替代治疗方案, 并解释了没有治疗的风险
  6. 参与治疗计划(知情同意)
  7. 拒绝推荐治疗(知情拒绝)
  8. 继续治疗或转介继续治疗
  9. Written informed consent prior to participating in experimental research and the right to refuse participation
  10. 提供反馈, 评论, 或使用保密的患者满意度调查对治疗的投诉

  1. The 口腔卫生诊所 DOES NOT provide a dental exam or diagnosis of restorative needs. 补牙等服务, 冠, 牙根, 拔牙, 分音, 牙科诊所不提供假牙或假牙. 牙医必须提供这些服务.
  2. If a patient has medical or dental conditions that warrant further consultation with their physician/dentist, treatment in the 口腔卫生诊所 will be delayed until written approval is obtained from the patient's physician/dentist. 这种情况的例子包括:心脏瓣膜受损或异常, 特殊心脏状况, 器官替代品, 关节置换手术, 未受控制的糖尿病, 肾透析, 免疫系统减弱, 血压升高(160/110), 活动性肝炎或肺结核感染, 活动性疱疹感染(唇疱疹).
  3. Multiple appointments (2-4) and extended appointment lengths (3 hours) are required for most clients.

促进感染控制和保护患者, dental hygiene students and 教师 following the current CDC Guidelines for 感染控制 for Dental 健康 Care Settings. 我们的目标是为我们的学生、病人、教职员工提供一个安全的环境. The 口腔卫生护理设施 has implemented numerous additional safety measures following CDC Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Dental Settings During the COVID-19 Response including:

  1. 筛查患者与COVID-19相关的危险因素.
  2. Ensuring our personal protective equipment (PPE) is appropriate for the procedures performed, 并根据需要增加个人防护装备,如:N95口罩, 隔离隔离服, 还有面罩
  3. 使用高速疏散所有产生气溶胶的口腔卫生程序
  4. 诊所各处都有洗手液供工作人员和病人使用
  5. 在整个口腔卫生保健设施配备高效微粒微粒和紫外线c空气过滤装置
  6. 遵守ODU的环境健康和安全政策和程序.

