Current Tuition Rates

Rates Effective Fall 2023

这是bet8体育娱乐入口(ODU)学费率的官方网站. Rates listed on this page are effective Fall 2023. 之前的学费费率将持续到2023年夏季. 有额外的费用和收费取决于学术地位, housing arrangements and other factors.

  • There is no maximum tuition amount for students.
  • 所有的学费都是按每学时收费的.
  • 学费每年春季由访客委员会(BOV)调整.

大学术语“学费”是指每学分的综合费率,包括教学项目的资金, academic services and activities, as well as auxiliary funding of $140.00 休闲体育、学生活动和校际体育每学时.

维吉尼亚州高等教育委员会*(SCHEV) 2023-2024年学杂费信息

Undergraduate Tuition Rates

In State Per Credit Hour
Out of State Per Credit Hour


  • Norfolk Campus Courses
  • Higher Education Centers
  • Off-Campus Courses Within Hampton Roads
  • 在弗吉尼亚学习在线课程的学生 rate based on domicile

Graduate Tuition Rates

In State Per Credit Hour
Out of State Per Credit Hour


  • Norfolk Campus Courses
  • Higher Education Centers
  • Off-Campus Courses Within Hampton Roads
  • 在弗吉尼亚学习在线课程的学生 rate based on domicile

Active Duty Military Tuition Rates

Undergraduate Per Credit Hour

Effective Fall 2018, 军事学费适用于攻读学位或攻读非学位的本科现役军人, for-credit courses offered on campus or online.

  • NOTE: 申请现役军人身份的学生将通过SCRA网站核实其现役身份
  • 使用VA教育福利的军人学生可以推迟他们的学期费用. 

Learn about Military Tuition ►

Technology-Delivered Courses

Outside Virginia &/or the United States

Undergraduate Per Credit Hour
Graduate Per Credit Hour


NOTE: 搬到弗吉尼亚州的远程学习学生不能保证州内学费. Normal domicile rules apply. 

Learn more about in-state tuition ►

Selected Mandatory Fees

Fee Description Who Pays


Mandatory -费用适用于所有选修科技课程的学生. This fee is not subject to waivers.

Student Transition Fee -
新学生过渡费将对所有新的学位申请者进行评估, 非远程本科学生,涵盖定向和其他过渡到大学的规划.


Mandatory - 学费适用于所有新攻读学位的非远程本科生. This fee is not subject to waivers.
General Services Fee - $9.00 所有学生每学期都要支付这个费用,不管上了多少课. This fee replaced the graduation fee, per course drop fees, reinstatement fees, matriculation fees, and the University Catalog fee. Mandatory-费用适用于所有学生,不论其住校类别. The fee is not subject to waivers.
Student Health Fee - $160.00
Summer optional ($50.00)

Undergraduate students 修读6个或以上学时的学生必须每学期支付此费用.

Graduate students 修读6个或以上学时的学生必须每学期支付此费用.

The fee is not charged for students taking all off-campus courses. If any 课程被正式指定为诺福克校区课程,那么费用是强制性的.

Mandatory -费用适用于所有学生,除非另有说明. The fee is not subject to waivers.

This fee is optional in the summer.

Transportation Fee - $63.00
Not charged in Summer Sessions
所有学生每学期支付一次交通费. 但是,夏季学期不收取任何费用. 该费用适用于参加诺福克大学官方指定课程的学生.

如果有任何课程被正式指定为诺福克校园课程, then the transportation fee is mandatory.

Mandatory - Fees applicable to all students, including those enrolled in student teaching, dissertation, theses, and GRAD 999 unless otherwise noted. This fee is not charged in the summer.
ID Card Fee - $4 per semester The ID Card Fee is mandatory for all students. 该费用包括卡中心的服务、设备和运营成本. Mandatory - Fees applicable to all students. This fee is not subject to waivers.
Course-Related Fees 费用可以根据学生在特定课程的注册来评估,以支付实验室支持的费用, other materials, or private lessons. 费用各不相同-费用与课程目录中列出的课程一致.
International Student Fee - $35.00 per semester 对于持学生签证就读牛津大学的学生,国际学生费用是强制性的. 此费用包括与非移民签证合规相关的行政服务和其他相关服务. Mandatory -适用于持学生签证就读大学的学生的费用.

International Student Health Insurance (F & J Visa Holders)

Fall (202310): $1,245
Spring (202320): $1,735

健康保险费用直接贴在学生的账单上,并在学年的学费截止日期前到期. 国际学生可以选择参加 University's Payment Plan available in Fall and Spring semesters only.

Fall Semester (Aug-Dec) - $1,245. Charges due by Fall tuition deadline.

Spring Semester & Summer (Jan-July) $1,735. Charges due by Spring tuition deadline.

参加英语语言中心课程的非学分学生将根据课程收费. 非学分课程的学费和杂费在入学时到期.

Mandatory 适用于F和J签证持有人以及所有非移民家属. 欲了解更多信息,请联系签证和移民服务咨询办公室(Visa).
Average Textbook Cost - $655.95/semester*

由Follett和ODU书店提供,每本书最好的估价是65美元.23, with an average of 2.5 titles required per course.

*全日制学生身份,假设12小时的注册费用为163美元.95/course, the semester average is $655.95. Other course fees may apply

For more information, please contact the ODU Bookstore.
Other Fees Other fees are assessed for special services. 欲了解更多信息,请通过电子邮件联系客户关系


对于一个标准的3小时课程,Follet高等教育平均提供163美元.每门课程的平均课本费用为95美元,共计655美元.95/semester for 12 hour enrollment. Actual totals may vary. Visit the ODU Bookstore for more information.

Archived Tuition Rates
